About the Artist
I would like to begin with one of Albert Einstein‘s quotes: "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere“. This quote consists of two parts like my life. My name is Sandra. My occupation is a business analyst, but after work, I‘m a versatile art enthusiast.
I began taking an interest in arts at school. However, I chose to study Economics and promised myself that one day I will study arts as well. I made my dream come true in 2019. I moved from Lithuania to Malta to study level3 in Art&Design at MCAST. Apart from that, I have been improving my skills in various ceramics, painting, and jewellery workshops.
Blending history and modern style helps me to achieve uniqueness. Meanwhile, the process of exploring shapes, colours, patterns, and composition is my favourite part. I‘m enjoying when learning new techniques and using various materials. Currently, I‘m in love with mixed media art which unleashes my ideas. My mission is to spread positivity within art.
This is how I weave my journey through creativity which is called SB Art Story.
Artist at Work

I absorb ideas when visiting new places. Nature is another source of my inspiration. Furthermore, I love analyzing art history. Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” (1907-1908) is one of the most favourite artworks.

I love combining different media and discover my own techniques. Experimenting brings me lots of joy. Ceramics and jewellery, watercolours and ink pen, colour pencils and watercolours, acrylics and gilding… And much more to try.

Courses & Workshops
I have tried painting on silk, silver filigree, and ceramics workshops. Currently, I’m going to “Beyond painting” classes. One of the most interesting courses I took was 3D decorative flooring and surface casting technology.
Sneak peek of my Art Journal
Work in Progress